This is a post about a gate light on and off timer project I took on myself

I wanted to do this to keep my skills and brain sharp. And no its not that hard a project but compared to my present job this is like a nobel prize wining affair. Haha..Lets move on.

I am trying to build a timer that will switch on the gate lights on at night and off in the morning.

I am quite sure none of you will have interest in my project. Even then I planning to name project in a grand manner(atleast in my head) to avoid future paper work and version control problems.

So coming to naming,
SL001 - Simple Control - For Light - Sophistication Level - Cost Level - Version number

Sophistication Level

0 - Low
1 - Medium
2 - High

Cost Level

0 - Cheap - No lifetime expectancy - Redundancy very low better to be replaced - No accuracy
1 - Medium - No life expectancy - Redundancy Nil  - Expects Accuracy
2 - High - Life expectancy High - High Redundancy - Expects Accuracy

Current Design Goal :

A properly working product to turn the light on and of on the gate at required times.
ie; On it at 6:25 pm and Off it at 6:15 am.


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