Pull-Up & Pull-Down Resistors

Pull up and pull up resistors are two common terms that we could hear in the case of the electronics circuits.I have also tried to hear these concepts from  different people and will think at the moment that it has been well understood.Then when the next time I hear about it the concept would have long gone.So I was searching something that visually communicate it with least amount of  tech talk.And the following video from the Human Hard drive guy matched the profile.The guy has explained in a simple manner even to the depth that he actually explained what is meant by when we write 'Uc' which is a small and understood detail but an important point for a newbie.Thanks for the video and anyone looking into these concept could find this video helpful.


Do remember the points :
  • Pull down resistor requires 10 times impedance of the internal resistance of the microcontroller.
  • Pull down resistors are also not inverting(Which as expected open means OFF and closed means ON).

Note to self : - Update this as more information and application is gathered about the pull up and pull down resistors.     


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